
A C++20 header-only library for generic multi-dimensional containers.

Figure 1: Landing page of the HolorLib documentation website.

HolorLib is a C++ library (written using C++20 features) that implements generic multi-dimensional containers of homogeneus elements, i.e., all the elements must have the same type. These Holor containers are objects with three fundamental components:

  • they have access to a contiguous area of memory where the elements are stored. The container may own the memory (Holor) or not (HolorRef).
  • a layout that contains the informaiton necessary to map from the multi-dimensional coordinate system of the container (indices) to the memory location that stores the value of the element.
  • a set of indexing and slicing operations that allow to access individual elements of the container or slices.
Figure 2: Fundamental components of Holor containers.

Using these containers is fairly easy, as the syntax is quit intuitive.

Example 1: Holor. Creating a container that owns the memory

#include <holor/holor_full.h>;
holor::Holor<int,2> A = { {1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12} }; // 3-by-4 matrix of integers
auto c = A(2,3); // indexing a single element. c has the value 8. 
auto B = A(holor::range(0,1), holor::range(2,3)); // Slicing a 2-by-2 matrix. B is a HolorRef that views the elements { {3,4}, {7,8} } of A

Example 2: HolorRef. Creating a container that does not own the memory

#include <holor/holor_full.h>
std::vector<int> my_sequence{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
holor::HolorRef<int,2> matrix_view(my_sequence.data(), holor::Layout<2>{2,5}); //constructor passing a layout

For a full description of the functionalities of this library please refer to the official documentation page.