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CMake 3.12 or above

HolorLib is shipped as a CMake package, which allows it to be easily installed and used by other CMake projects. This process can be performed explicitly or using the installation script packaged with the library.

  git clone TBD <destination_path>
  cd <destination path>/Holor
  mkdir build && cd build 
  cmake .. -[options]
  ccmake . #optional, to check and possibly modify the CMake options
  cmake --install .
  git clone TBD <destination_path>
  cd <destination path>/Holor
  ./ install


Depending on the destination where the header files will be copied, the installation (line 6 in the manual instructions) may require superuser privileges. In that case call it with sudo.

There are a few CMake options that can be passed to customize the manual CMake installation:

CMake Option Description Possible Values Default
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX location where the header files will be copied a path \user\local\install
DEFINE_HOLOR_ASSERT_LEVEL control HolorLibs exceptions-throwing dynamic checks AssertionLevel::release, AssertionLevel::no_checks, AssertionLevel::debug AssertionLevel::release


For a manual installation to a different path (e.g. /home/user/my_project), line 4 in the manual instructions becomes

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/my_project

Such options are not available in the installation script, which uses the default values.


We advise to use the default value for DEFINE_HOLOR_ASSERT_LEVEL.

How to use it in a project

When HolorLib is installed using CMake, it can be easily imported in other CMake projects.

    find_package(Holor REQUIRED)


    add_executable(my_program my_program.cpp) #example of an executable
    target_link_libraries(my_program PUBLIC Holor::Holor)

Within the the file my_program.cpp, the HolorLib C++ API is accessible with a simple include

    #include <holor/holor_full.h>

Deleting the installation

During the installation with these method, CMake create an install_manifest.txt file in the build folder which contains the information where the files have been installed and allows to easily remove them.

    cd <build directory>
    make uninstall
    ./ clean


  1. It may be necessary to call the command make uninstall with superuser privileges (using sudo) depending on how and where the files were installed.
  2. If install_manifest.txt was deleted, the installed files must be manually removed by the user.

Method 2. Installation without CMake

HolorLib can also be used by simply copying the header files into a project.

   git clone TBD <destination_path>
   cd <destination path>
   cp include <project_path>

How to use it in a project

Once the header files are copied in the C++ project, HolorLib API is accessible with a simple include

    #include "<path_to_local_include>/holor/holor_full.h"

Deleting the installation

Since there is no installation, only the header files copied in the project need to be removed.

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