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Optional modules

HolorLib contains some optional modules that can be built after the installation.


Some examples that demonstrate few uses of the library, such as how to construct and slice Holors. The examples can be compiled using the following instructions from the root folder.

    cd build
    ./ build_examples [--compiler ...]

The compilation of the examples is enabled by setting the cmake option -DHOLOR_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON. Optionally, one can specify the compiler to be used with the cmake option -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, for example if the default system compiler does not support C++20.

The examples can be compiled using the script Optionally, one can specify the compiler to be used with argument --compiler, for example if the default system compiler does not support C++20. The compiled binaries are located in the directory build/bin.


Some tests to verify the correct behavior of the library. The tests can be compiled using the following instructions from the root folder.


The tests require gtest, to be used in conjunction with CMake. We recommend checking the instructions on the gtest page. For a quick setup, go to the directory where you want to download the gtest repository and follow these instructions

    git clone 
    cd googletest
    mkdir build 
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install

    cd build
    ./ build_tests [--compiler ...]

The compilation of the tests is enabled by setting the cmake option -DHOLOR_BUILD_TESTS=ON. Optionally, one can specify the compiler to be used with the cmake option -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, for example if the default system compiler does not support C++20.

The tests can be compiled using the script Optionally, one can specify the compiler to be used with argument --compiler, for example if the default system compiler does not support C++20. The compiled binaries are located in the directory build/bin.


Some benchmarks to evalaute the performance of the Holor containers. The benchmarks can be compiled using the following instructions from the root folder.


The tests require google benchmark, to be used in conjunction with CMake. We recommend checking the instructions on the benchmark page. For a quick setup, go to the directory where you want to download the repository and follow these instructions

    git clone
    cd benchmark
    cmake -E make_directory "build"
    cmake -E chdir "build" cmake -DBENCHMARK_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES=on -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B "build"
    cmake --build "build" --config Release 
    cd build
    sudo make install

    cd build

`` bash ./ build_benchmarks [--compiler ...] ```

The compilation of the benchmarks is enabled by setting the cmake option -DHOLOR_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON. Optionally, one can specify the compiler to be used with the cmake option -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER, for example if the default system compiler does not support C++20.

The benchmarks can be compiled using the script Optionally, one can specify the compiler to be used with argument --compiler, for example if the default system compiler does not support C++20. The compiled binaries are located in the directory build/bin.


This very same documentation can be built locally to be accessed offline.


The documentation is built using Material for MkDocs 7.3.0 or superior. We recommend to install it using pip

    pip install mkdocs-material

The documentation can be built using the following command from the root folder

    mkdocs build
The documentation, is generated in html format in the site folder. To consult it, open the index.html file in a web browser.

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